Developed by Triple Beam Technologies, LTD
marijuana-impaired drivers can now be tested roadside
Quantitative Marijuana Impairment Testing

The Problem
There is no widely accepted, standardized way for law enforcement to quantifiably determine how much active THC is in a driver's system during a roadside stop. Current methods require an arrest and laboratory testing, incurring a considerable cost and taking weeks to determine.
The Solution
An evidential-quality tool that uses a driver's saliva to precisely measure levels of active THC in their system
in 15 minutes or less.
Our Vision
With the ability to differentiate and isolate active THC from other similar cannabinoids and provide a quantifiable result, the QMIT technology will become the gold standard for law enforcement to assist in determining marijuana impairment during DUID stops.

The science behind
In the era of marijuana legalization, where many drivers have perfectly legal CBD in their system, it is imperative that technology resulting in a potential arrest and extensive legal proceedings adheres to the highest standards for drug detection while providing the convenience of a point-of-care device.
Our QMIT technology uses a form of sophisticated liquid chroma-tography to isolate active THC in the driver's saliva. THC is the psychoactive ingredient that causes driver impairment, but its molecular structure is similar to CBD, a popular, non-psychoactive cannabinoid used in many products. Methods that cannot isolate THC may lead to a false-positive result and a wrongly accused driver.
Furthermore, other detection methods mistake THC metabolites for active THC. These metabolites are breakdown products of active THC and don't indicate current impairment, only past use; the driver could have used marijuana weeks ago, yet still test positive for metabolites. Only active THC relates to impairment.
Our patented next-generation lab-on-a-chip technology stands alone in its ability to provide objective, highly quantifiable, evidential-quality data regarding THC in saliva.
Ability to isolate THC prevents
false positives
Evidential quality results provide objective data to justify an arrest
Test strip provides physical evidence for further forensic testing
Test results can be stored for later use in legal proceedings
Quantifiable results in 15 minutes
at the roadside
Disposable cartridges for low-cost, robust, rapid process
Contamination safeguards from previously conducted tests
Lives saved, accidents prevented, safer roads
Two saliva collection options:
raw saliva (gold standard) or collection swab (ease of use)
a breakthrough in a time of unprecedented marijuana use
As marijuana legalization continues to expand, law enforcement must have a quick, reliable method to evaluate THC (Δ9) levels in drivers.
The best current field tests can do is to suggest signs of marijuana use, but without objective data, an arrest can't be justified.
The Quantitative Marijuana Impairment Test (QMIT) is the first fully quantitative tool that enables officers to test impaired drivers right at the roadside.
helping law enforcement keep roads safe
Welcome to the new America, where close to 35 million people use marijuana at least once or twice a month — and where more than ever, people are driving under its influence.
Analysis of crash statistics shows that drivers with THC in their blood are nearly twice as likely to be culpable for a fatal crash than drivers who hadn't used drugs or alcohol.
As marijuana laws continue to evolve state by state, the QMIT technology will become an invaluable tool for law enforcement agencies nationwide, while saving countless lives by screening the rapid influx of marijuana-impaired drivers on our roadways.

TRIPLE BEAM TECHNOLOGIES is a marijuana impairment testing startup that has developed QMIT technology, a singular solution for determining THC levels in individuals suspected of driving under the influence of marijuana.
We will continue to translate the latest scientific techniques into solutions that keep our testing tools at the vanguard of this field. As marijuana use grows, our team is positioned to provide law enforcement agencies, states and the nation with a quick, thorough and quantitative way to test drivers and thereby keep our roads safe.
Our sole objective is to help law enforcement keep our roads safe
We will always conduct and apply the results of science with objectivity and accuracy, never falsifying, fabricating or plagiarizing
The creation of products that safeguard quality of life and bring meaningful value takes precedence over all other considerations

The initial target market for the QMIT technology is the law enforcement impairment testing market as this will ultimately serve as the proving grounds for any point-of-care impairment test.
Additional market opportunities are abundant and the QMIT is positioned to effectively address the dynamic market need for modernized pre-employment drug screening, safety and liability testing, and public institutional drug testing in schools, courts, prisons and the military.
The drug abuse testing market was estimated by Allied Market Research to be $6.2 billion in 2018 and is expected to grow to $11.8 billion by 2025. This market consists of analyzers, rapid testing devices, laboratory tests, and consumables.
The QMIT technology will compete directly in the analyzer, rapid testing device, and consumables markets, and also has the potential to capture a portion of the laboratory testing market by offering a more convenient evidential quality result. Growing public pressure for scientifically reliable impairment testing creates an outstanding opportunity for the success of the QMIT technology, and TripleBeam is uniquely poised to create a sustainable and profitable business model.